The annual culture and environment art festival of hay “SenoKoz” traditionally gathers family companies that prefer outdoor activities.
Within the festival, premieres of recent ethnic movies are held with the possibility to communicate with authors; famous directors, script writers and movie industry workers are invited.
The annual cultural and education “Ethnic Camp” gathers children from 10 years for immersion into the historical environment of ancestors of contemporary Ossetians.
The annual “Ethnic Festival” traditionally gathers musicians, dancers, singers and the other workers of ethnic culture in the walls of the Tower Complex
The event reflects the importance and the uniting power of history gathers musicians, dancers, singers and the other workers of ethnic culture in the walls of the Tower Complex, and the guests dip into the atmosphere of an ancient holiday.
The participants of this festival are professional riders, stunts, traditional musicians and choreographers, singers and the other workers of ethnic culture
The ethnocultural exhibition festival “Alaunta” traditionally gathers dog fanciers who value the Аlano-espanol breed, the representatives of which are direct descendants of the most ancient dogs, that accompanied warlike Alanian tribes while entering Europe.